Hilarious, and this is exactly why anyone has an opinion on the matter at all - because the elephants are fighting over it. Do you remember when nobody fought about it, and it just didn't matter?

Anyone who doesn't really care about whether one side wins or not is going to look at the "whole bunch of genders" as being bizarre, and the "two and only two" as being dogmatic. You have merely to look around to realize that 99% of people are one or the other, but every once in a while there's someone you just can not, for the life of you, figure out what in the world they are supposed to be. If you're lucky, they have a name like Stan or Jessica, and you at least know what they are *supposed* to be. But sometimes I'll come across an August dressed in a rainbow, and I'd be pretty daft not to realize they were something else.

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yeehaw, I have come as you invited me. I am however very confused about why you're arguing against redfems on this issue, since the radfem position is "your personality and interests do not determine what sex you are" and I am not following your argument about why this is incorrect.

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Thanks again for your insight, links and support. Really appreciate the connection you've made between personality types and gender ID. It really distills and sobers the trans argument. thousands of young people are diving into a machine that tears them up and spits them out on the basis of "feelings" and the parents, thinking they are championing and protecting their children, give them a hearty shove. It's unbearable to witness.

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